Form and Comfort
A footprint of sleep. Was it peaceful or turbulent? For 10 consecutive days, a camera was mounted onto a tripod with the intention of photographing my bed the moment I left it's body. As soon as I awoke to my morning alarm, I carefully slipped out from my covers and shot a photo. Each morning, the camera would capture the form of my bed. The form of comfort.
Notes Upon Awakening
I awoke to loose dreams of food and friends. My eyes, half-open and dusted with deep rest. The sun shines today. My room, faintly lit with premature radiance. My body, softened by my own blanket. My corridors tight. Old friends talk inside my dreams, new friends now talk with peace. Time to begin my routine. Time to follow through with familiar ways.
Dry and thirsty I awake. Left with dreams too far to chase. My neck, stiffly remains strained from a poorly formed sleep. Does a pillow indicate such a feeling? The sun shines yet again. To know what happened during my dormancy, I do not know. Is it worth wondering if so?
Tightly I felt to have slept during the past breezy Spring night. Well, this is how I woke up, but I do not truly know what I felt in my unconscious state. My blanket formed a narrow passage indicating little nightly movement. My dreams, I am already forgetting. Did they hold any value? My neck constantly goes against my pillow’s plan to caress. I wonder how I truly was during last night’s slumber, for I only awoke 5 minutes prior.
My rest...was it peaceful? I awake feeling at ease and still. Yet again, my neck feels strained. It is forever difficult to truly know how i slept. The unconscious mind does not seem to give the owner any answers. We know when were are awake, but never when we are alseep.
Trace amounts of a dream linger in my mind. I briefly recall being in some outdoor park. Although I awoke just 2 minutes ago, I wonder what time I actually dreamt. When did my mind create its fictitious reality of a dream? During the hours of unconscious uncertainty, are dreams remembered on the moment of creation? Are dreams viewed and translated on the spot like one views a movie? Or is it that they become only clear and received the moment the mind awakes?